Get Outside This Spring — And What to Do Once You’re There

Couple enjoying the outdoors during Spring in Iowa

Winter has some great moments like the holidays, the scenic snowfall, sledding, etc. But for most, it keeps us cooped up indoors. Springtime is nearly here and as the weather warms up, the outdoors becomes more easily accessible — and enjoyable. Read on for why you should be outside this spring, and get some fun tips for what to do once you’re there.

Observe Nature

Springtime is the best time to witness the changes of life. Watch as trees begin to grow buds and then suddenly begins to bloom. The trick is, you have to be outside to actually see the amazing way nature comes back to life.

Get That Vitamin D

Believe it or not, but the best way to get vitamin D is to go outside. Most of us have a hard time getting enough vitamin D throughout the darker winter months.  So, when nature hands you warm sunny days, you go outside to recharge your vitamin D levels! Vitamin D is essential in your over-all mood, the body’s ability to grow strong bones, immune function, and more.

Spend Time with Family

Sure, you probably spent a lot of time cooped-up with your family this past winter. Let’s be honest, can you really endure another board game with your losing streak? That’s the reason you need to take the whole family outside. Thank yourself later when you and your family discover new excitement and joy just by being outside together. Some fresh air never hurt anyone.

Develop a Healthier Mind and Body

There is something about being outside that makes you want to move. Many outdoor activities require movement of some kind. That’s a health boost in itself! Studies have shown that spending time outside promotes lower pulse rates, lower blood pressures, and a reduction in stress. If you’re doing an activity outside, you’re also reducing stress levels from exercise.

Those benefits sound amazing right? So what outdoor spring activities should you do to get in on these benefits? Keep reading to get some ideas!

Fun Outdoor Spring Activities

There are endless things to do. The outdoors are for everyone to enjoy and there are so many ways to do so. Live healthy, be well, and thrive in the beauty of spring!